Attention – this article is for ladies AND gentlemen!
Yes – we all want to look and feel awesome when we dance. Is being a decent dancer and enjoy your dances enough? To be honest – yes. But why not to add the little cherry on the cake & feel extra awesome in our outfit?

Ladies say that gentlemen have it easy and vice versa gentlemen think ladies have it easy… Let’s be honest – nobody is in advantage… Today’s blog is an introduction to the topic. You can expect from us a special edition for ladies and another one –focusing on gentlemen… But back to the topic.
There is a real challenge to the dance fashion. Let’s name the requirements: easy to move in, not rolling up or down or sideways, light, not getting stuck, not whipping partner when we turn, staying on place, stretchy enough, overall comfortable, but looking amazing, unique and chic. OK…
To be honest – all my wardrobe is 90% clothes & shoes that I can dance in. And then the 10% is for the special occasions I do not dance. Such as skiing, hiking, business meetings and sleeping (even though many of my PJ's are actually fine for dancing as well). You should see me in the cabin – I try the most dodgy dance moves to see if this piece of clothing can endure it and stay on place. I think I am very lucky I did not tear yet in half anything while trying it on. And I know men do it too! I have been shopping with few dancers and trust me – it’s fun!
Another challenge is how to stay original and not to wear the same outfit too often. If you go out and dance often (and I hope soon we all will again) – it’s not very possible to have entirely different outfit each time. There are few ways to work that. But wait for it!
Accessories – yes…but… no whipping, no tangling, no scratching, no falling… Wow – we need magical accessories! But there are some: For example good fitted hats for gentlemen, well attached hair accessories for ladies, earrings, necklaces, belts etc.… All of that available in safe (no sharp edges) version. I have one tip for hoops (circle earrings). If you value your ears – wear very small hoops or those that come easily off when you pull them. Like that if your partner get by accident hooked in the earring – the earring will go off without injuring your ear. Gentlemen, if you finger gets stuck in the hoop – do not move! Just freeze and wait.
Before I will get on with the rest of the article, I just want to mention what I always highlight to my new students. No matter what we wear (of course clean and tidy clothes), we should always smell nice, be healthy and fit to socialize & mints are always advantage. Just to have a clear conscious I said it. But let’s move on to the moments just before the party…
So when I am getting ready for a party this question always arises. How casual or glam? Unless it’s given by a dress code (e.g. gala, smart casual, night in white, tropical, red & gold) I usually go with the day of the week. If it’s week day – I choose more casual. If its’ Friday or Saturday – I choose more glam look. But I have a friend and she says: every day should be glamourous we don’t have time to waste to be just casual. And I love it! I totally agree that party should be special occasion to enjoy and it’s worth dressing up for that! How much is up to you & how you feel that day, that moment. But track suit on a salsa party? Really? No kidding – I have seen that! Life is short! Let’s make every moment count! Let’s style up!
Stay tuned for next three editions – Lesson fashion, Ladies Special & Men’s Special (latter two with special guest view!)
But first! Let me know in your comments your thoughts & ideas! I am so curious to read them!