We had a loooong break from dancing. And now finally we are slowly getting back to “normal life”. And the questions are rising: “Shall I get back to dance classes?
What if I forgot everything? Is it safe? Shall I wait? ......and more....

It’s so easy to stay comfortably on the sofa with Netlix. I know… BUT! If there is one thing I learned in the past year and half it’s “Seize the day! Take every opportunity to do things that bring smile to your face. Enjoy life and every moment of it!
So yes – jump straight to the water and get your body moving. Just to
remind you how amazing Dance is – builds up stamina, improves strength and flexibility, helps concentration, helps to prevent Alzheimer and many other diseases, relaxes your mind, brings you together with other people of the same interest, it’s valuable skill that you can be proud of and mainly it’s FUN! And we need to have good times, laugh, move and have fun!
Maybe in the beginning you will have a little sore muscles. I do feel it very well on myself… My body got too comfortable. And surprisingly when we had to stop dancing I suffered injuries. And to be honest my mood was very wiggly. Then I realiz
ed that dancing and movement is the thing that I am missing. That when I decreased my muscle strength – injury happens…When I don’t have all the endorphins in my blood released by the amazing feeling when I dance – it’s easier to feel down.
So I am excited that we can dance again...And I would not miss a single chance to dance if I were you. I am going to jump straight to the water - jump with me!
Jana K.Cerna